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The Truth About Cancer 2016 - Dallas, TX.
Tuve la oportunidad de viajar a la ciudad de Dallas, TX. a un evento llamado The Truth About Cancer (La verdad acerca del càncer). En este simposium estuvieron màs de 40 expertos en el tratamiento del càncer con medicina natural.
Conocì en persona a Mike Adams, conocido como The Health Ranger, creador de la página, al cual sigo por internet desde hace más de 10 años. Una persona super sencilla, amable y con una mente brillante. Sus conferencias simplemente fueron sorprendentes. Les recomiendo que vean las más de 50 conferencias del evento.
Estas son algunas de las conferencias donde más de 40 expertos en curar càncer de manera natural nos compartieron sus conocimientos y su gran calidad humana. En vivo estuvimos màs de 1,500 personas, y por internet màs de 14,000.
The 7 Essentials to Prevent Breast Cancer
with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
The Ideal Anti-Cancer Diet
with Dr. Joseph Mercola
Why Avoiding GMOs is CRITICAL to Your Health
with Jeffrey Smith
Vaccines and Cancer… The REAL Connection!
with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
How to Fully Unlock YourGut’s Power to Heal You
Dr. Robert Scott Bell
The Top Non-Toxic Cancer-Reversing Therapies
with Dr. Tony Jimenez
The Ultimate Secret to Health
Dr. Edward Group
Cancer Treatment… The Cure is in Sight!
with Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, MD
The TRUTH About Nutrition Supplements
with Dr. Daniel Nuzum
What You Must Know About The Public Health Crisis… Profit versus Humanity
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
How to Beat Cancer God’s Way
with Dr. Eric Zielinski
Nutrition vs. Cancer: Little-Known Facts to Help You Now
Chris Wark
TOP SECRETS from Nature’s Medicine Chest You Need to Know
with Dr. Daniel Nuzum
How to Detox Your Body with Juicing
with Cherie Calbom
Low-Cost, Effective Detoxification with Near-Infrared Sauna Therapy
Dr. Irvin Sahni
How the Ketogenic Diet Can Prevent & Beat Cancer
Dr. David Jockers
How to Erase the “Talk” Causing You Physical Pain
Dr. Darrell Wolfe
The Scientific PROOFS for Homeopathy: What Everyone Needs to Know
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, MD
Powerful Natural Immune System Therapies from Europe & Asia You Need to Know…
Dr. R Ernest Cohn
How to (Really) SUPERCHARGE Your Immune System
Jordan Rubin
The New & Most ESSENTIAL Disease-Fighting Scientific Developments, “Translated” for the Layperson
Sayer Ji
Can Iodine Kill Breast Cancer?
Dr. Jonathan Wright
Healing with Hydrogen: Little-Known Secrets to Protect and Heal Your Body
Paul Barattiero
The 7 Top Advanced Strategies for Healing Cancer Naturally
Dr. Josh Axe
What top health experts are saying about
The Truth About Cancer...
Preventing cancer in the most effective way
“The Truth About Cancer is... about taking personal action in eliminating and preventing cancer in the most effective, non-evasive way. Even more than this it takes a firm stand on human rights and our God Given right to health, happiness and freedom of choice."
- Dr. Darrell Wolfe, the "Doc of Detox"
Scientifically backed by experienced clinicians
“Cancer is a life-threatening disease now at epidemic proportions in the developed nations of the world. Current medical therapies are toxic, often barbaric, and usually ineffective. 'A Global Quest' brings us information that is scientifically backed by experienced clinicians. This information is life saving for the patient and will bring about a renaissance in our antiquated cancer treatment system that is desperately in need of reform.”
A beacon of hope
"A breath of fresh air in the suffocating cloud of media spinning, ‘The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest’ is a beacon of hope for the millions across the globe who have been told the lie that cancer is a death sentence."
- Dr. Eric Zielinski
Can change your life
"'The Truth About Cancer... is a powerful health documentary that is a must see for anyone and everyone who values their health. This 9-episode series can change your life, and quite possibly save your life. "
- Jordan Rubin, New York Times Bestselling author - The Maker's Diet; Founder - Garden of Life, Beyond Organic, Get Real
Nutrition and Ancient Nutrition
Mandatory viewing for anyone who wants to achieve health
"The most intelligent decisions can only be made when you are exposed to the real information or what we know as the truth. ‘The Truth About Cancer... will expose you to the information you cannot receive anywhere else, and as a result, is mandatory viewing for anyone who wants to achieve health and escape from dis-ease."
- Dr. Howard Fisher, Author and Physician